When October comes around, everybody looks forward to everyone’s favorite holiday, Halloween. Kids trick-or-treat in costumes ranging from generic store bought attire to homemade-masterpieces, with adults (or sometimes other kids) following the American tradition of passing out candy to the tireless trick-or-treaters.
With walking, rushing, and even running from house to house to see what every household has to offer, the idea of Westlake’s athletic students not participating in candy collecting may seem a little bizarre. However, a new study by Green and White shows that Westlake’s highest classmen, the seniors, may snub the tradition of trick-or-treating more than you would have guessed at first.
The Survey
Green and White surveyed a total of 40 seniors during lunch, in-between classes, and before/after school. The seniors were asked the question “Do you still trick or treat?” If they replied with “No”, then they would be asked “When did you stop trick or treating?” To top it off, a senior’s answer would be elaborated on and be asked, “Why did you stop trick or treating?”
The Statistics
The results were contained in 2 sections, as shown below:
As you can see, the category with the most seniors is quitting the tradition in sophomore year. Shockingly, the category with the second largest number of seniors is quitting trick-or-treating in grades lower than freshman year. Some seniors stopped trick-or-treating as far back as sixth grade, with one senior even saying he never trick-or-treated in his life. One reason that stands out among the data are the rules of parents. Instead of the kids thinking they were too old, parents stepped in and decided that they were too old regardless of their thoughts. Another reason I believe stood out was how students participate in other festivities instead, such as going over a friend’s house or attending a party.
–Now this is how adults celebrate Halloween.
Trick-or-treating, in my opinion, is a great way to bond with friends and explore your town. Nevertheless, there are still other things to do on Halloween that would keep students entertained, as long as the world around them is still bursting with scary, spooktacular spirits.
Wayabibi • Mar 3, 2019 at 8:43 pm
Wayabibi • Feb 18, 2019 at 4:08 pm
another great article from the green and white