Why don’t WHS students read the Green and White?

Most students at WHS don’t read the Green and White Newspaper, why is this? After interviewing around the school, the answer to this question is simple, because the newspaper isn’t printed.
Two staff members of the Green & White newspaper, the Editor-In-Chief, Senior Alex Tarolli, and the Moderator, Mrs. Sullivan shared their thoughts. When interviewed Sullivan, said that “students don’t read it because it’s not printed.” When asked how many people she thinks read it now, she said “mostly only the staff members.” Sullivan thinks a way to get more readers is to start printing again and putting the paper into lunch rooms for students. After mentioning the issue of interest in reading the newspaper, she agreed, saying that “the audience of readers had changed over time.”

Tarolli agreed saying they need to print the newspaper again to gain more readers. When asked how many readers he thought the newspaper had, he answered “one or two”. He also mentioned that the newspaper is not very easy to access. There is a specific website (greennwhite.org) that you have to go onto to access the newspaper, which some students don’t know about or don’t want to look up.

Lastly, I interviewed a senior student attending WHS. When asked if she visited the website and read the newspaper, she said no. She reasoned that she doesn’t have any particular interest, and she doesn’t want to hear extra information. She said, “I hear it all on the announcements and Friday morning news, why would I need to go online to see what I already know.”

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